Copyright Registration: Protect Your Work with 24efiling
Copyright registration is the formal process of securing legal protection for your original creative work. It establishes a public record of your ownership and provides several advantages in case of infringement
A registered copyright strengthens your case in court if someone copies your work without permission. It provides prima facie evidence of ownership and the date of creation.
A registered copyright creates a presumption of ownership in your favor. The burden of proof shifts to the infringer to demonstrate otherwise.
In infringement cases, courts may award statutory damages and attorney's fees to registered copyright owners.
Registered copyrights can be used to prevent unauthorized imports of infringing copies.
Registration creates a public record of your copyright, which can deter potential infringers.
Get started today with 24efiling's secure and convenient online platform. Protect your creative work and ensure you have the legal tools to fight infringement.
Click here to start your copyright registration with 24efiling !
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